We continue to recruit senior crew for the Williams II to support all our expeditions including day sailing, weekends and longer expeditions. To Apply please download the PDF job descriptions below to see what you would like to apply for and then email the following:
To apply as a crew member or for a specific role, please download and study the below PDF documents and then email the following:
Plus no more than 500 words explaining why you want to apply to clive@blythtallship.co.uk.
Crew Application Process - pdf
Experienced Crew Direct Entry Role descriptions
Williams Expedition Senior Crew Role Description - Expedition No. 2.pdf
Williams Expedition Senior Crew Role Description - Ships Engineer.pdf
Williams Expedition Senior Crew Role Description - Watch Leader.pdf
Williams Expedition Senior Crew Role Description - Ships Cook & Morale Officer
Williams Expedition Senior Crew Role Description - Ships Doctor & Science Officer
Sailing on future Williams Expedition voyages will be an exciting experience and we welcome anyone interested and passionate about joining out adventures. *
* All appointments are subject to medical and diet information being compatible with extreme expedition conditions and senior roles selected via interviews,and trials. Appointment to specific legs is at the discretion of the Expedition Directors.